My History Using R
I use R occasionally for work and have also downloaded it at home as it is an interesting piece of software. The great thing about R is that it is open-source and so is completely free and has many, many packages that can be downloaded. It is mainly used for data science techniques rather than for creating stand-alone programs but one of the packages (r shiny) is dedicated to making web apps.
My first public release is a very simple mapping app using r shiny and leaflet to display publically available earthquake data but hopefully I'll get the chance to create more work soon.
Click on any screenshot to see a larger version.
All images and files on this site are copyright Fractalytic, S.Kennedy.
Please ask if you wish to use anything for your own projects or if you have any questions about anything featured (Contact Me link in menu bar at top of page). Thank you.
Released July 2017
This is a complete app but doesn't really do much over the standard features of leaflet/shiny so I intend to spend some time improving this and making a more advanced version with better options and drawing features.