Fractalytic v0.63.5
Latest version of the Fractalytic software written in Visual Basic. Over twenty fractal types are currently included with many options for drawing. See below for some more information and screenshots (click to enlarge).
First release: 20/03/11 (v0.60.0)
Last Updated: 22/09/14 (v0.63.5 Newton-Raphson method new function, Mandelbrot fixes)
Download size: 504kb
Updated September 2014
I have had an interest in Chaos and Fractals ever since reading James Gleick's Chaos while at college in 1989. The subject has moved me to create simple Fractal Generation programs in almost every language that I have owned and fractalyticimages Basic is no exception. This is the most comprehensive Fractal program that I have created as it brings together several different types of Fractals and includes brief notes on each.
This started as a port of version 0.58.5 from Blitz Basic but now includes several new fractal types and elements such as resizable windows, more save file types, better graphical user interface and increased colour options.
I still have lots of work to do on this but it already has many features - around twenty different Fractal types (including Mandelbrot set, Julia set, Newton-Raphson approximation, fractal ferns, koch curve, sierpinski gasket, dragon curve, quilts, symmetric fractals, Buddhabrot set, Burning Ship, Mandelbar, Diffusion Limited Aggregation), zoom using the mouse, save function, changeable iteration levels, options for most fractal types, information and help.